Thursday, August 10, 2006

Wow!!! So much happens so fast it's hard to keep up! Everything has been so awesome and the three of us are doing great. Steve has been really busy at the tattoo shop and I've been getting ready for my garage sale this weekend. What a task!!!! I'm sure that I could literally open my own value village. Being a pack rat all my life ended in me having tons of useless JUNK and I'm only 24! Well I'm sure I'll make some good cash. I've already made $215 from 2 people that came to peek at my stuff early. Now I only need another $2000 to pay off the leather furniture and kitchen chairs we just bought......
Anyway, enough about me and Steve, I know you all just want to know about Jayda:) (I don't blame you) As usual we've been busy, busy, busy. Since my last post we had a baby shower - very fun and many, many thanks to all who came. A special thanks to Doreen, Lonnie and my Mom who put the whole thing together. We also went to the Craker Cats game and as you see above, Jayda got her first pic with Crusher!!! It was very exciting and of course, the cats won. In the past few weeks we've also taken a trip to Nana and Papas, helped John and Lonnie move into their new house - wow the closet space:), went to Capital X with Papa and the biggest thing, looked after my 5 year old twin cousins Maegan and Morgan. After two days with them I was exausted and so was Jayda. After the first day that they were here Jayda slept through the entire night for the first time!! But really, it was awesome. The are so well behaved, polite and really fun to have around - and yes up above is a pic of them making playdough from scratch on my FLOOR!!! Now if thats not "stepping out my box I don't know what is:)
Jayda had been doing lots of new things. On July 16th she giggled for the first time! It is the cutest thing in the world. She can also pick up some of her toys by herself and of course they go straight into her mouth. She is sleeping through the night over half the time and is almost of soy formula and on to milk formula. She has made buddies with Mojo and loves watching television. I'm not sure if thats a good thing yet or not.
Well, I guess those are the major things going on in our world. I hope you all enjoyed the update. Take care

1 comment:

Kerri said...

WOO HOO Got a Jayda fix... sigh I have checked EVERYDAY waiting for pics lol. Sounds like things are going awesome :) If ya need help this weekend give a hollar... I am off work so I can certainly help out if ya want :) Love and hugs to all :) :)