So I could sit and watch Jayda all day everyday and never be bored. She is learning so much and the whole process can be quite amusing at times. I figured I'd post a few pics of her latest antics. Altough they won't be as funny as watching in person they are still cute. The first one is her falling asleep while eating green beans. One bite she was awake, I look away to get another bite and POOF, out like a light. I'm sure she'll love me for this picture when she's a teenager:) The next one's don't quite give the whole effect of the situation but just use your imagination and it'll probably make you laugh. Jayda has this weird obsession with trying to LICK things that aren't quite in her reach. The other day while we were shopping with nana, Jayda gave us quite a laugh while trying to lick some sleepers off a clothing rack. Well, tonight when I was getting her changed she pulled this little stunt again, but with the leather couch. She tried her damdest to lick the couch and eventually she succeeded - and then proceeded to gag. I guess leather doesn't taste as good as it looks.....:) Even if no one else sees the humor in this I KNOW that nana will.
I suppose that is the latest with Jayda. She is growing like a weed and getting longer by the day. I take her for her shots(ouch) on wednesday and I can't wait to find out her measurements. The latest with Steve and I is WE BOUGHT A NEW CAR!!!! It is a 2005 Ford Focus hatch back. It is black and fully loaded. I can't post a pic yet cause it is dark outside and it wouldn't turn out too good. I'll post one soon though. Steve nor I have ever had a vehicle even close to this new so we are pretty excited. Other than all that - nothing to excing to write about so I better go. Hope everyone is doing good, bye for now.