Thursday, February 22, 2007


I HATE WINTER!!!!!!! Sorry I just need to vent a little bit. Jayda and I were supposed to go to a play date today but surprize,'s SNOWING. The play date is way on the other side of St.Albert so it's a little far to drive in the yucky snow. Oh well, we have another one booked for tomorrow and it's only a few blocks away. Hopefully we actually get to go. Anyway, that's my whinning for the day. Hope everyone is doing o.k. and not FROZEN to death yet.

Katy the ice cube

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Cute Pics:)

Official Anouncement

So it is official - We are pregnant!!!! We had our first ultrasound today and saw the little sprout wiggling around. I am 9 weeks along. The due date is September 15th. It was really exciting because the baby really is sprouting little arms and legs already and VERY active. We have known for a little while and some other people know too but now we decided to make it official. It never sems real to me until I actually see the baby on the screen. So yeah, that is our newest news.

In other news.......we have set a wedding date - June 21st 2008. I think most people know about that too but we went shopping last weekend for dresses so now it seems more real! Doreen will be my maid of honor and Carmen is my bridesmaid. That's about as far as the planning has gone so far....LOL.....I guess I should get on the ball a bit!

Hmmm....what else would you all like to know??? Jayda is starting to get her own little "attitude". She is very curious about EVERYTHING around her and she gets frustrated when she can't reach/roll towards what she wants. She just wants to GO, GO, GO. I don't think it will be too long before she is crawling or something resembling crawling:) Something cute she does now - or ONE of the many cute things she when she wakes up in the morning she calls MUM,MUM for a minute or two then gets really quiet. If she doesn't get a response she calls DAD,DAD and so on and so forth. Usually Steve and I just lie in bed for awhile snickering about how cute she is. After awhile she results to HEY,HEY just to get anybody's attention. Yeah I know, isn't she soooo cute:)

So tomorrow is Valentines day AND Steves 6 year sobriety birthday so we decided to rope Auntie Bean into watching Jayda and we are going to go out to dinner AND a movie! We don't do that sort of stuff often enough so it should be a nice "date".

Well that's all for now folks. Hope you enjoyed my update - I know they are pretty few and far between:)
