Friday, May 19, 2006

Baby makes three

baby makes three

She has finally arrived! Jayda Rain Winjet graced this world with her presence May 6th at 1:48pm weighing in at 7pounds and 7ounces - just like mommy!! I took awhile to start posting but now that I've started hopefully I'll keep it up. Considering Jayda is only 13 days old she has done a lot already. We have been out and about almost every day. To start with it kinda sucked going in the truck cause we had Jaydas car seat in wrong and her head kept flopping forward. It was probably more traumatizing for me than her but it's all fixed now.
On the 15th Jayda rolled from her tummy onto her back. We thought that was pretty cool because she was only 9 days old. Of course we called nana right away to tell her and she was equally excited. Yesterday was also exciting. Papa came in and he, Steve and I took Jada to her first BALL GAME!!! The Cracker Cats won 4-2 and Jayda slept through the whole thing (except when I took her out of her seat to take pictures) Again it's probably a bigger deal to me than her but one day she'll realize the excitement of it!! She's the youngest cracker cats fan ever, it can't get any better than that!! Oh I should also mention how exciting the game was for Steve. He got to have his FIRST(and second) ball park hot dog. His exact words were I've waited 30 years for this!! In short, he really enjoyed himself. As did Dad and I.

Anyhow, I think that's enough for now. Jayda has her first pediatritian appt. today. I'll keep ya posted,
xoxo Katy


ArY said...

aww thats cute...congratulations on the new she has already experienced so much i wonder what else she has to look forward to, mabey a nap haha

Kerri said...

Hi Guys... great start to your site :) I saw your comment on Dan and Carmens site so I thought I would pop over. I'd like to link you on our blog if thats okay :) I'll be checking back often :)