Monday, October 30, 2006


I suppose I should let you all know how our halloween dance went. I don't have any pics right now but we dressed up as the addams family. Steve was Gomez, I was Morticia and Jayda was supposed to be baby Pubert Addams. She didn't end up going with us because she was a little cranky. We figured people in costumes would just make her mood worse so she stayed home with Nana and Papa. Anyhow, we looked really good - at least that is what we were told and the dance was pretty fun. I'll post pics later - I have an awesome one of Doreen that she will hate me later for if I post it, hee, hee, hee...........
I think that is it for now, I'm feeling pretty tired but if Carmen can find the time and energy to post then I better get my act together too:)


Kerri said...

Sounds awesome! I can't wait to see pics and now you TOTALLY have to post the one of Doreen.. you guys have been friends too long for her to kill ya lmao :)

Carmen said...

The trick is to post multiple post under different titles all at the same time. :)